Download OpenAPI specification:Download
Documentation for BlockBee's. Before you start using our API, you will need an api key. To obtain one register here.
These endpoints simplify the process of generating unique payment addresses for each transaction, allowing you to track and manage payments more efficiently.
This method is used to generate a new address to give your clients, where they can send payments.
Please keep in mind that before making any transaction, you should check the minimum transfer limit for the specific cryptocurrency or token you want to use. If you transfer an amount that's less than the minimum limit set by BlockBee, your transaction will be rejected.
To save time and energy, it's recommended to check the pre-existing libraries for the features or functions you need before delving into the documentation.
Notice: The length of this request can't surpass the 8192
ticker required | string The "ticker" parameter in this API request refers to the unique identifier of the cryptocurrency to which you are making the request. It is included in the URL of the request and helps to specify the exact cryptocurrency that you want to retrieve data for. The ticker is typically a short code that uniquely identifies the cryptocurrency, or the token and it's network/blockchain. |
apikey required | string API Key provided by BlockBee's Dashboard. |
callback required | string The URL the callbacks will be sent to. Must be a valid URL. |
address | string The |
pending | integer Set this to 1 if you want to be notified of pending transactions (before they're confirmed) |
confirmations | integer Number of blockchain confirmations you want before receiving the callback (Min. 1). |
post | integer Set this to 1 if you wish to receive the callback as a POST request (default: GET). |
priority | string This parameter allows users to set the priority with which funds should be forwarded to the provided |
multi_token | integer Allows customers to pay with any token supported by the system, even if the token is different from what the user initially specified. |
multi_chain | integer If enabled, allows you to create the same address on BEP-20, ERC-20 and POLYGON blockchains, which enables you to receive payments on BEP-20, ERC-20 and POLYGON blockchains. |
convert | integer Set this to 1 to enable it (default: 0). |
Address was created
Error creating address
{- "address_in": "14PqCsA7KMgseZMPwg6mJy754MtQkrgszu",
- "address_out": "1H6ZZpRmMnrw8ytepV3BYwMjYYnEkWDqVP (single address) {1H6ZZpRmMnrw8ytepV3BYwMjYYnEkWDqVP: 0.70, 1PE5U4temq1rFzseHHGE2L8smwHCyRbkx3: 0.30} (multiple addresses)",
- "callback_url": "",
- "priority": "default",
- "status": "success"
This method provides information and callbacks for addresses created through the "create" endpoint.
It returns a list of callbacks made at the specified callback
, and allows to track payment activity and troubleshoot any issues.
ticker required | string The "ticker" parameter in this API request refers to the unique identifier of the cryptocurrency to which you are making the request. It is included in the URL of the request and helps to specify the exact cryptocurrency that you want to retrieve data for. The ticker is typically a short code that uniquely identifies the cryptocurrency, or the token and it's network/blockchain. |
apikey required | string API Key provided by BlockBee's Dashboard. |
callback required | string The URL of the callback. Must be the same URL provided when the payment was created |
List of payments sent to this callback.
Your request couldn't be processed, please try again later.
No request or no payment callbacks found.
{- "address_in": "14PqCsA7KMgseZMPwg6mJy754MtQkrgszu",
- "address_out": "1H6ZZpRmMnrw8ytepV3BYwMjYYnEkWDqVP (single address) {1H6ZZpRmMnrw8ytepV3BYwMjYYnEkWDqVP: 0.70, 1PE5U4temq1rFzseHHGE2L8smwHCyRbkx3: 0.30} (multiple addresses)",
- "callback_url": "",
- "status": "success",
- "notify_pending": true,
- "notify_confirmations": 1,
- "priority": "default",
- "callbacks": [
- {
- "txid_in": "33f11611f863d7475eb10daada2f225f0877561cf58cdfff175e99635dfd9120",
- "txid_out": "5ea53d5e728bfdb56b54c0b945990b69ae1e66cec56ab24679c9a622c4695276",
- "value": 100000,
- "value_coin": 0.1,
- "value_forwarded": 100000,
- "value_forwarded_coin": 0.1,
- "confirmations": 13,
- "last_update": "15/02/2018 21:23:42",
- "result": "done",
- "fee_percent": 1,
- "fee": 2000,
- "fee_coin": 0.02,
- "logs": [
- {
- "responses": "*ok*",
- "response_status": "200",
- "next_try": "14/10/2022 12:47:18",
- "pending": false,
- "confirmed": true
These endpoints provide you with essential features to make conversions, get estimates, retrieve information, and generate QR codes.
Use this endpoint to retrieve information about the cryptocurrency you intend to use. This endpoint provides detailed information about the selected cryptocurrency.
ticker required | string The "ticker" parameter in this API request refers to the unique identifier of the cryptocurrency to which you are making the request.
It is included in the URL of the request and helps to specify the exact cryptocurrency that you want to retrieve data for. The ticker is typically a short code that uniquely identifies the cryptocurrency, or the token and it's network/blockchain. |
apikey required | string API Key provided by BlockBee's Dashboard. |
prices | integer If you want to receive also the coin prices, set to 0 to disable the prices (default: 1) |
Info fetched successfully
Error fetching info
{- "coin": "Bitcoin",
- "minimum_transaction": "20000",
- "minimum_fee": "200",
- "fee_percent": "1.00",
- "prices_updated": "2019-10-14T13:00:09.585Z",
- "status": "success",
- "prices": "{'DKK': '56281.94', 'CAD': '10985.14', 'AED': '30517.01', 'BRL': '34243.36', 'USD': '8308.47', 'MXN': '160193.26', 'CNY': '58740.88', 'INR': '591471.72', 'JPY': '899719.16', 'HKD': '65173.93', 'GBP': '6616.08', 'EUR': '7535.35'}"
This method generates a base64-encoded image for payments
ticker required | string The "ticker" parameter in this API request refers to the unique identifier of the cryptocurrency to which you are making the request. It is included in the URL of the request and helps to specify the exact cryptocurrency that you want to retrieve data for. The ticker is typically a short code that uniquely identifies the cryptocurrency, or the token and it's network/blockchain. |
apikey required | string API Key provided by BlockBee's Dashboard. |
address required | string The payment address ( |
value | integer Value to request the user, in the main coin (BTC, ETH, etc). Optional. |
size | integer Size of the QR Code image in pixels. Min: 64 Max: 1024 Default: 512 |
{- "status": "success",
- "qr_code": "...",
- "payment_uri": "..."
This method allows you to estimate blockchain fees to process a transaction.
Attention: This is an estimation only, and might change significantly when the transaction is processed. BlockBee is not responsible if blockchain fees when forwarding the funds differ from this estimation.
Note: Does not include BlockBee's fees.
ticker required | string The "ticker" parameter in this API request refers to the unique identifier of the cryptocurrency to which you are making the request. It is included in the URL of the request and helps to specify the exact cryptocurrency that you want to retrieve data for. The ticker is typically a short code that uniquely identifies the cryptocurrency, or the token and it's network/blockchain. |
apikey required | string API Key provided by BlockBee's Dashboard. |
addresses | integer The number of addresses to forward the funds to. Default: 1 |
priority | string Different per currency/network. Check our knowledge base for more information about this parameter. |
Estimated cost
Your request couldn't be processed, please try again later
{- "status": "success",
- "estimated_cost": "0.00001",
- "estimated_cost_currency": "{'USD': '0.09', 'EUR': '0.08', 'GBP': '0.07', 'CAD': '0.11', 'JPY': '10.21', 'AED': '0.33', 'DKK': '0.58', 'BRL': '0.46', 'CNY': '0.56', 'HKD': '0.69', 'INR': '6.67', 'MXN': '1.81', 'UGX': '310.74', 'PLN': '0.35', 'PHP': '4.56', 'CZK': '1.91', 'HUF': '27.95', 'BGN': '0.15', 'RON': '0.39', 'LKR': '18.02'}"
With this method, you can effortlessly convert prices between FIAT and cryptocurrencies, or even between different cryptocurrencies.
ticker required | string The "ticker" parameter in this API request refers to the unique identifier of the cryptocurrency to which you are making the request. It is included in the URL of the request and helps to specify the exact cryptocurrency that you want to retrieve data for. The ticker is typically a short code that uniquely identifies the cryptocurrency, or the token and it's network/blockchain. |
apikey required | string API Key provided by BlockBee's Dashboard. |
value required | number Value you wish to convert in the cryptocurrency/token of the ticker you are using. Example: value=10 |
from required | string Specify the currency you wish to convert from, whether it is FIAT or cryptocurrency.
Example: from=usd |
{- "value_coin": "0.01",
- "exchange_rate": "47000",
- "status": "success"
This is the Callback documentation. Please note that these callbacks are sent by our API to your platform and are triggered when the user sends payment(s) to the address(es) generated by our system. It is essential that your platform is capable of handling these callbacks.
The callbacks are sent with an additional header, x-ca-signature
, which is a base64-encoded 1024-bit RSA-SHA256 signature of the callback. The signed data depends on the type of callback you are receiving. If the callback is sent via GET
, the full request URL to your system (including all GET
parameters) is signed. If the callback is sent via POST
, the entire body of the request is signed.
The Public Key
for the verification can be retrieved from this endpoint.
Check our knowledge base to learn how to verify the callback with code samples.
Callback issued when a client's transaction is pending confirmation.
Note 1: Only issued if you have requested to be notified of pending transactions.
Note 2: Sent via POST
if post=1
parameter set, else sent via GET
We strongly advise against whitelisting our callback IPs, because they might change in the future without warning, but if you really need to, at this moment the callbacks will be sent from the following IPs:
Expected response from your server
Callback issued when a client's transaction has been confirmed by the network.
Note: Sent via POST
if post=1
parameter set, else sent via GET
We strongly advise against whitelisting our callback IPs, because they might change in the future without warning, but if you really need to, at this moment the callbacks will be sent from the following IPs:
Note: To prevent repeated callbacks to your systems, the response to the callback request should be *ok*
Expected response from your server
The callback will be marked as successful when it receives the following response from your server
Documentation on how to use the Checkout feature to handle payments for your platform. The Checkout feature allows users to receive and manage payments with ease.
This method allows you to create a new Checkout payment. Please don't forget to set your payment settings in BlockBee's Dashboard.
apikey required | string API Key provided by BlockBee's Dashboard. |
redirect_url required | string URL where your customers will be redirected to after successfully completing the payment. A Example: redirect_url= |
value required | number Value of the order in the currency set in BlockBee's Dashboard payment settings. Example: value=10 |
item_description | string Description of the product or service being paid. This information will appear on the checkout page. Example: item_description=Description of the product you are selling |
expire_at | number Epoch time in seconds at which the Checkout payment will expire. Minimum is 1h. If not set, it will never expire. Example: expire_at=1673438907 |
notify_url | string Optional URL where our system will send a payment notification (IPN) when the order is paid. Similar functionality as |
post | number Set this to 1 if you wish to receive the payment notification (IPN) in your Example: post=1 |
Payment URL was created successfuly.
Your request couldn't be processed, please try again later
{- "status": "success",
- "success_token": "fG78jtx96ugjtu0eIbeLmFB9z0feJf9NfG78jtx96ugjtu0eIbeLmFB9z0feJf9N",
IPN issued when the payment has been confirmed by the network. Will be sent to the URL provided in notify_url
Note: Sent via POST
if post=1
parameter set, else sent via GET
We strongly advise against whitelisting our callback IPs, because they might change in the future without warning, but if you really need to, at this moment the callbacks will be sent from the following IPs:
Note: To prevent repeated IPNs sent to your systems, please respond with *ok*
to our IPNs.
payment_url | string URL from the Checkout where the payment was made. Example: payment_url= |
redirect_url | string Redirect URL provided in the payment request. Example: redirect_url= |
value | number Value you provided in the payment request. Example: value=20000 |
success_token | string Security token only known to your systems so you can make sure the order was actually paid by your customer. Example: success_token=fG78jtx96ugjtu0eIbeLmFB9z0feJf9NfG78jtx96ugjtu0eIbeLmFB9z0feJf9N |
currency | string FIAT currency. It will be the same that you set in BlockBee's Dashboard. Example: currency=usd |
is_paid | string
Example: is_paid=done |
paid_amount | string Amount paid in the cryptocurrency described in the parameter Example: paid_amount=1.23 |
paid_coin | string Cryptocurrency used to make the payment. Example: paid_coin=btc |
exchange_rate | number Exchange rate at the time of the payment. Example: exchange_rate=20000 |
txid | string Transaction hash(es) of your client's payment(s). Example: txid=0xa7551df44e487f9c0507d68d90193cde2604dfcefdc975bae54535a2e0f80b32,0x6e8b278e3db1948d2c694b7f709dd4e864ae80d516970ebfd05a98629b6efe15,0x387c6250b3e86f7372b9c49d00497f1b26b373d40801c9e60a97ef5124b6b75c |
address | string Address where your client's payment was received Example: address=3PFoGK63cVVUWnd2vu7W1kM83NXUfvzMqM |
status | string Status of the transaction. Example: status=done |
Expected response from your server
The callback will be marked as successful when it receives the following response from your server
Documentation on how to use the Checkout feature to handle deposits for your platform. The Checkout feature allows users to manage deposits with ease.
This method allows you to create a new Checkout deposit. Please don't forget to set your payment settings in BlockBee's Dashboard.
apikey required | string API Key provided by BlockBee's Dashboard. |
notify_url required | string URL where our system will send a payment notification (IPN) when the order is paid. Similar functionality as |
item_description | string Description of the product or service being paid. This information will appear on the checkout page. Example: item_description=Description of the product you are selling |
post | number Set this to 1 if you wish to receive the payment notification (IPN) in your Example: post=1 |
{- "status": "success",
IPN issued when the deposit has been confirmed by the network. Will be sent to the URL provided in notify_url
Note: Sent via POST
if post=1
parameter set, else sent via GET
We strongly advise against whitelisting our callback IPs, because they might change in the future without warning, but if you really need to, at this moment the callbacks will be sent from the following IPs:
Note: To prevent repeated IPNs sent to your systems, please respond with *ok*
to our IPNs.
Expected response from your server
The callback will be marked as successful when it receives the following response from your server
Endpoint on how to create Payouts Requests. However, after successfully creating a Payout Request, you will still need to visit our Dashboard to complete the payment process.
Use this method to create a new Payout Request, which is a request for a payment you wish to send to your customer. Once you have created the Payout Request, you can fulfill it using BlockBee's Dashboard by sending multiple payments to all your customers. This process streamlines the payment process, allowing you to handle multiple transactions efficiently and accurately.
ticker required | string The "ticker" parameter in this API request refers to the unique identifier of the cryptocurrency to which you are making the request. It is included in the URL of the request and helps to specify the exact cryptocurrency that you want to retrieve data for. The ticker is typically a short code that uniquely identifies the cryptocurrency, or the token and it's network/blockchain. |
apikey required | string API Key provided by BlockBee's Dashboard. |
address required | string Provide the destination address for the payment or withdrawal. This is the address where you want the funds to be sent. Example: address=TGfBcXvtZKxxku4X8yx92y56HdYTATKuDF |
value required | number Please indicate the amount you wish to send to the provided destination Example: value=1.34 |
{- "status": "success"